Sunday, March 22, 2009

Music Explosions

So what is more Metacognitive than music?
May one quantify Metacognition?
New music mushrooms my mind.
Here is a list:
Johnathan Coulton

Saturday, March 21, 2009


So I found this odd survey thing.
Just click a few answers and your underlying proclivities pop right out.
I got Vonnegut first. I thought of skewing the answers to get Lem specifically but simply answered them the first time. I got Lem on purpose the second time.
How fun!
I will try for others next. Drop by Peromyscus too. She has a take.
I am:
Stanislav Lem
This pessimistic Pole has spent a whole career telling ironic stories of futility and frustration. Yet he is also a master of wordplay so witty that it sparkles even when translated into English.

Which science fiction writer are you?